Welcome to NADAC

The North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC) is a dog agility venue with the main goal of giving every competitor what they desire to achieve from this sport that so many of us spend our weekends competing in.  Whether you enjoy being highly competitive, or just come to trials to meet with your friends and relax. We are striving to give you the absolute best experience from both sides of the page.

In the coming years we plan on releasing a multitude of programs allowing each person to focus on what gives them the most enjoyable experience with the time they spend with us. So stay tuned and happy trialing!


Become an Associate Member and register your dog to get started!


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Titles & Awards

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The Latest News from NADAC:

Grounders DRI Updates

Grounders DRI Updates

There has been a significant amount of feedback on the Grounders DRI's being high, so we pulled some data and have decided to make an update to them! Here are the new Grounders DRI target numbers as of today, Jan. 27, 2025! 20" - 6.25 YPS 16" - 5.70 YPS 12" - 5.45 YPS...

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2024 Height Card Updates

2024 Height Card Updates

Permanent Height Card Requirements and Updates  Height Card Form - Click Here 20” Dogs  Clarification and update - All dogs are required to be measured. If your dog is over 18" it can be measured visually by the judge.   If you will be attending NADAC Championships...

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2024 Updates

2024 Updates

Update Summary and Time Stamps 2025 Championships -  Video Time Stamp - 0:24  -NADAC Championships will be held in Gillette, WY Sept 9th-14th 2025 -After multiple issues with security at the Champions Center in OH, as well as issues with the quality of the local...

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2022 Pre Trial Info

Hi All, Some info for Pre Trial: 1) We will NOT be doing a briefing in the morning.     Everything you need to know will be in this email. 2) First walk throughs will be at 6:30 AM.   We know this is early, believe me, we don't wanna be up this early either.  But...

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2021 Raffle Info

Hi Everyone,Are you gearing up for this year’s raffle?? Saving up your money?? Printing your name labels? This year's raffle is going to be the best ever! For those first time Champs people, the raffle consists of state baskets donated by a club, person or group...

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What People are saying about NADAC:

Junior Handler

My 13-year old daughter participated in the NADAC Agility trial at the Quad Cities Dog Center this weekend (July 28 & 29, 2018). Jeff Riedl was the judge on both days.

This was our very first NADAC agility trial. She has been participating in the 4-H fair for two years (in the dog project) and really really enjoys dog training! She is not a volleyball girl, or a basketball girl, or a swimming girl. She does not participate in chess club, or Spanish club or future leaders of America. She is an animal lover & a dog trainer. And this event was magical (for both of us)! Thank you SO much for supporting the junior members in NADAC and the caring judges that make it FUN for our youth. You all play a part (behind the scenes administrative staff, coordinators, judges, etc) in making memories for these participants and their dog companions!

I would imagine (if your career field is anything like mine) you usually hear from the participants that are not pleased with outcomes (for whatever reason). So I wanted to make sure you heard from this Mom, YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

Shelly H from Wisconsin

First Agility Experience

I am writing to give some well earned positive feedback about an agility trial I recently attended. My dog and I competed at the Tails Up Agility Trial held at the Family Dog Club in Chesapeake, VA. This was our first ever trial and our first contact with your organization, and we had a blast! Not only were the people friendly and helpful for all of the newbies to NADAC, but the event was incredibly organized and ran very smoothly. Our judge, Jeff Riedl, was also wonderfully encouraging, and instructive with the competitors, and definitely made the whole experience a great one. I also just need to thank your group for being one of the only ones that I have found that openly allow canine amputees to compete. My agility partner is an amazing tripaw who has done local fun agility with our trainer here, but never dreamed we could do any recognized trails. My friend, who competes mainly in AKC, discovered your organization and guided me to the website. We were very excited to find out that we could finally try out our skills outside our comfort zone, and it was a blast. Not only did we have fun, but he got two Q’s and several Blue and red ribbons to boot. So, all in all, I just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed our first experience with NADAC and say thank you!

Wendy from Virginia

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The NADAC Forum is the best place to ask questions, discuss ideas, and get to know other agility enthusiasts who play our sport!