The NADAC Video Runs Program

 Please email with any questions. 

As of November-2011 NADAC accepts Video Taped runs for qualifying purposes. Qualifying points earned via VT runs will be credited toward titles, special awards and entry into the Championships.

NADAC will post new sets of courses each month. People with NADAC registered and eligible dogs can run courses and submit videos on the NADAC website . A review costs $10.00 whether paid via Paypal account or via credit card. The review fee must be paid before the review. All titling options will be available.

NADAC rules prevail, as does sound ethics and good sportsmanship. Please refer to the Exhibitors Handbook for a complete description of the rules.

  • The first run of a VT course is the one to submit for review. Subsequent runs may be used for practice.
  • Contacts must be clearly visible from the camera angle and the entire run must be clearly visible from start to finish.
  • The dog must come to the start line with a leash on; they must run with no collar and, they must leave the course area on leash. Tugging is allowed once the dog is leashed and exiting, but no tugging while entering the ring, and no treats at any time.
  • The equipment must meet NADAC specifications with the exception that contacts used for VT may have small rounded slats, and metal jumps may be used.
  • The courses must be set within a reasonable standard of the original course diagram. Spacing must meet NADAC course design requirements.

VT Equipment Exceptions:

  • Small rounded slats are allowed
  • Metal jump standards okay for VT
  • Sturdy tunnels of the correct length and diameter that do not meet the 4” pitch specification may be used to replace a straight tunnel in straight sections where the dog is entering and exiting on a straight path.


You and your dog can earn VT titles in all NADAC classes.

Runs must be taped start-to-finish. All NADAC rules apply.

There is a $10 fee for submitting a video for review.