NADAC now allows grandfathering in from other venues. Meaning if you are at a high level of competition you can transfer over to NADAC and continue to run at the higher level of competition. Because of the increasing number of agility venues and constantly evolving sport of dog agility we are taking a simplistic approach to this rather than complicating the issue.
Regular class:
To run in the Elite level you will need the basic title from the mid level of competition in your chosen venue. Example: AKC OA title will let you run Elite Regular
To run in the Open Level you will need the basic title from the beginning level of competition in your chosen venue. Example: AKC NA title will let you run in Open Regular.
You are allowed to compete at NADAC at the same level you are currently competing at in the other venue. If you have your Open Title, which lets you compete at the Elite level in another venue, then you may compete at the Elite level in NADAC.
Same requirements as Regular above.
Same requirements as Regular above.
Touch n Go, Chances, Tunnelers, Weavers, Barrelers and Hoopers.
Since there is no equivalent to these classes in most other venues you will need a combination of Regular, Jumpers and Gamblers to grandfather in to these classes.
If you have your basic title at the highest level of competition in Regular, Jumpers and Gamblers (or their equivalents) then you may enter at the Elite level in all classes offered.
Same applies for the Open Level.
When entering trials you do NOT need to show these titles in order to enter. Simply enter the trial as you normally would at the level you wish to run.
If you have submitted your titles to be reviewed correctly then when your points come to the NADAC office they will show up in your records and accumulate properly. If you have not submitted the proper documents for review, or the review process has not been completed your points will show up with a value of Zero, and will not count towards title or awards.
Please note that once your review has been completed, they will start to accumulate. You do not need to wait for the review process to complete in order to enter trials. You could enter a trial and then submit your documents after the trial is over, and once your review is finished your points would then show up as normal.
You can submit your titles for review from this page: